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Bootcamp for your guitar – Musikhaus Thomann’s PLEK machine

Guitarists and bassists are famil­iar with this prob­lem: Even though the strings have been tight­ened cor­rect­ly, there is a noise, playa­bil­i­ty is off, and the instru­ment no longer sounds like it used to. In most cas­es, the cause is worn-out frets. Musikhaus Thomann and its computer-controlled PLEK machine can help rem­e­dy the problem.

One single device for error detection and troubleshooting

Operated by the gui­tar experts at Thomann’s work­shop, the PLEK machine mea­sures the frets, detects irreg­u­lar­i­ties, and if need­ed, whets the frets to elim­i­nate any uneven­ness. This helps musi­cians avoid cost­ly and time-consuming refretting.

Image video of processes and services

Musikhaus Thomann approached us and asked us to visu­al­ly explain the com­plex tech­ni­cal process­es of the PLEK machine and the ser­vices pro­vid­ed by the gui­tar work­shop team. When it comes to emo­tion­al­ly laden objects such as musi­cal instru­ments, trust and exper­tise are cru­cial. The video clear­ly shows that each piece is in the best of hands with Rudi and his col­leagues – and may even sound a bit bet­ter after treat­ment than it did ever before.

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