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Centurion’s 40th anniversary – product clip on the limited anniversary edition

The German bicy­cle brand Centurion has been in the spot­light in con­nec­tion with unprece­dent­ed cycling adven­tures time and again since 1976. On the occa­sion of its 40th anniver­sary, Centurion launched a spe­cial edi­tion that com­bines the spir­it of the first bike with cutting-edge technology.

Breaking free yet deeply rooted in tradition

For the prod­uct video, we placed the spe­cial edi­tion on a unique stage on which the bike floats almost weight­less­ly in a white space as if moved by mag­i­cal hands. Complemented by close-ups of key details such as the gear chang­er, brakes, and sus­pen­sion fork and includ­ing the respec­tive descrip­tions, the top-caliber result accu­rate­ly high­lights the bike’s dis­tinc­tive features.

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