Spin setup technology by drehmomente.de

With drehmomente.de you can con­duct pro­fes­sion­al 360° pho­to shoots at your company’s premis­es; our SpinSystem pro­vides the tech­nol­o­gy you need. We will train your team mem­bers to give them the know-how need­ed to pro­duce pro­fes­sion­al qual­i­ty 360° views themselves.

SpinSystem dm0609

The heart of the SpinSystem dm0609 is the adapt­able turntable we devel­oped in-house. It is easy to oper­ate dig­i­tal­ly via a PC inter­face and a con­troller. Together with spe­cial round dif­fusers devel­oped spe­cial­ly to work with SpinSystem, you and your staff mem­bers can pro­duce high-quality 360° views with opti­mal light distribution.


Features of the SpinSystem dm0609 turntable

In addi­tion to being trans­portable, the SpinSystem turntable is easy to han­dle and to adapt. Because the body of the turntable mea­sures only 60x 60×40 cm and the feet can be lev­eled, the turntable can be cal­i­brat­ed eas­i­ly and is superbly sta­ble with the pres­sure of a 150kg load. The high-quality com­po­nents of the motor, the motor’s con­trols, and the elec­tron­ic ele­ments have a long oper­a­tional life.

  • Extendible rails and brake-enabled wheels for high sta­bil­i­ty under load
  • High-precision mechan­ics and turn con­trols for up to 1/10° pre­cise rota­tion angles
  • Adaptable sys­tem for prod­ucts of all sizes, rang­ing from table­top to large items, adjustable with­out the need for pro­fes­sion­al expertise

SpinSystem dm0609 turntable will serve you well for an extend­ed peri­od of time
and for a broad assort­ment of prod­ucts including

  • appar­el on man­nequins or live models
  • back­packs, bags
  • table­top products
  • footwear, cram­pons, skates, etc.
  • acces­sories, eye­glass­es, watch­es, headgear
  • large objects with a width/height of 150 cm and weigh­ing up to 150 kg

Add-ons and accessories for SpinSystem

Your port­fo­lio encom­pass­es a vari­ety of prod­ucts? No prob­lem! We offer diverse add-on tools that help you adjust your sys­tem to the cir­cum­stances quick­ly and eas­i­ly. Even objects sus­pend­ed in the air, appli­ca­tions on white, reflec­tive set­tings, and shad­ow­less appli­ca­tions are pos­si­ble with only a few changes to the system’s configuration.

“Spider” rotat­ing assembly
  • For large prod­ucts weigh­ing up to 120 kg
  • Individual plates can be mount­ed (max­i­mum diam­e­ter: 150 cm)
Opal pan­el
  • Transparent, semi- or non-transparent Plexiglas pan­el with a hold­er for the long col­umn top (70 cm in diameter)
Long col­umn top
  • For footwear and table­top products
  • Optimal results if com­bined with the opal pan­el and a lamp hold­er for shad­ow­less 360° views
Short col­umn top
  • For use with the “Spider” rotat­ing assem­bly and the dum­my holder
  • Ideal for tall prod­ucts to avoid mov­ing the cam­era stand too far up
Shoe hold­er
  • Add-on for 360° footwear views
  • Optimal for 360° footwear views with min­i­mal touch-up work need­ed; opti­mal views of the shoe’s upper and its sole
Dummy hold­er for short column
  • For appar­el such as jack­ets, shirts, and short pants
  • The dum­my can be touched up completely
  • The dum­my can be lev­eled on 3 axes

SpinSystem dm0609 controller

Use our SpinSystem con­troller to set the turn­ing sys­tem to meet your require­ments and to oper­ate it via a computer-based interface.

  • Manual oper­a­tion of the rotary table to set up and adjust products
  • Automatic mode for 360° views
  • 1/10° pre­cise angle selection
  • 1/10° pre­cise angle gra­da­tion for spins with as many stages as you need, for­ward and back­ward operation
  • Continuous speed reg­u­la­tion in both directions
  • Staged mode and con­tin­u­ous mode

SpinSystem dm0609 light diffusers

The con­sis­tent dis­tri­b­u­tion of light is para­mount to pro­duc­ing pro­fes­sion­al 360° views. This is why we devel­oped spe­cial con­vex dif­fusers that can be used in a vari­ety of appli­ca­tions. These dif­fusers come in small and large sizes and can be ful­ly dis­as­sem­bled. All dif­fu­sion mate­ri­als and dif­fu­sion foils are wash­able and exchangeable.

Light dif­fuser small
  • 210×177 cm, adjustable up to 225cm
  • Consistent dis­tri­b­u­tion of light at all stages of 360° views is possible
  • Soft, focused light can be produced
  • Full sys­tem made up of 2 frames for the right side and the left side of the setup
  • The frame can be dis­as­sem­bled completely
  • All ele­ments are screwed to the frame
  • Use of diverse types of dif­fu­sion foils (e.g., Rosco)
  • The dif­fu­sion foils are attached to the frame eas­i­ly with Velcro fasteners
Light dif­fuser large
  • 385 x 300 cm
  • Consistent dis­tri­b­u­tion of light at all stages of 360° views is possible
  • Soft, focused light can be produced
  • Full sys­tem made up of 2 frames for the right side and the left side of the setup
  • The frame can be dis­as­sem­bled completely
  • All ele­ments are screwed to the frame
  • Use of diverse types of dif­fu­sion foils (e.g., Rosco)
  • The dif­fu­sion foils are attached to the frame eas­i­ly with Velcro fasteners