What you can expect from drehmomente.de

Photography and film

Our work in the stu­dio and on loca­tion is about pro­duc­ing opti­mal adver­tis­ing pho­tos of your prod­ucts. We shoot cre­ative images of your prod­ucts for cat­a­logs, web­sites, and pack­ag­ing. Leverage our cutting-edge tech­nol­o­gy for sales-boosting adver­tis­ing, sweep­ing doc­u­men­taries, fas­ci­nat­ing videos, and per­fect­ly attuned 2D and 3D animations.

3D scanning

In some cas­es, 3D is the only way to go. For exam­ple, if more detailed prod­uct views, no-axis turn­abil­i­ty, or inte­gra­tion into CGI envi­ron­ments is what you are look­ing for, our 3D scan­ning tech­nol­o­gy sets new stan­dards of pre­ci­sion and efficiency.

We pro­duce real­is­tic pho­to­graph­ic por­tray­als of your prod­ucts in a frac­tion of the time required for clas­sic 3D mod­el­ing. We use this image data as a basis for pre­cise 3D mod­els. We then cre­ate dig­i­tal twins you can use in any num­ber of appli­ca­tions so you can deliv­er even more gen­uine prod­uct experiences.

360° spin technology

Show every angle of your prod­uct! The high-performance 360° spin tech­nol­o­gy we devel­oped in-house deliv­ers the right amount of turn for small and even very large prod­ucts either in our stu­dio or at your premis­es. Digital prod­uct images pro­duced by drehmomente.de leave no ques­tions unanswered.

As the devel­op­ers of this tech­nol­o­gy we are steps ahead of oth­er providers. Because we know each and every com­po­nent of the hard­ware and the source codes of the soft­ware we can make cus­tomized adjust­ments quick­ly and eas­i­ly and set up the sys­tem in line with your products.

Studio design and empowerment

As an excel­lent alter­na­tive, we can con­duct pho­to shoots at our clients’ premis­es to stream­line, or bet­ter yet elim­i­nate, time- and labor-consuming logis­ti­cal processes.

To obtain best results and straight­for­ward process­es and work­flows, togeth­er with your team we will design stu­dio setups at your premis­es. Diligently select­ed hard­ware and soft­ware make pro­duc­tion and post-production process­es of image data effi­cient and eco­nom­i­cal­ly attrac­tive. We will pro­vide your staff mem­bers with spe­cial train­ing so they can run the entire pro­duc­tion process using the high­est qual­i­ty and stream­lined processes.

In-house post-production

Color adjust­ments, touch-ups, and oth­er nec­es­sary or request­ed changes to our pho­tographs are han­dled by our post-production experts. They ensure that we deliv­er only premium-quality pic­tures, videos, and ani­ma­tions to you.

Teamwork at drehmomente.de

Professionalism and pas­sion are the cre­do of our per­ma­nent staff of 15, all of whom act in con­cert. Every one of our staff mem­bers is an expert in his or her field whether pho­tog­ra­phy, graph­ic design, media design, or devel­op­ment. In addi­tion, we cur­rent­ly have four appren­tices train­ing dili­gent­ly to learn the nuts and bolts from the ground up and from every angle at drehmomente.de.

Casting models

Finding suit­able mod­els to adver­tise a prod­uct is a com­plex process. Our expe­ri­enced pro­fes­sion­als know the most promi­nent mod­el agen­cies and what they focus on. This is why they are able to pre­s­e­lect the right peo­ple for every project. We will find the appro­pri­ate faces for your fash­ion, sports, or oth­er adver­tis­ing, and are not afraid to look beyond the beat­en agency track for unique brand ambas­sadors with a nat­ur­al appeal.


Be it the pro­duc­tion of entire prod­uct lines in high quan­ti­ties or of bulky and heavy prod­ucts, the suc­cess of every project depends on pre­cise­ly timed and secure logis­tics. We will be hap­py to han­dle it for you so you can focus on your core business.