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Optimal views of uvex’ pheos line of protective eyewear

The var­i­ous mod­els of pro­tec­tive eye­wear in uvex’ pheos line score with their sportive design, com­fort­able fit, and of course reli­able pro­tec­tion, in any sit­u­a­tion. The com­pa­ny asked us to show­case and describe these ben­e­fits and the diverse func­tions of the pheos cx2 in a prod­uct video.

The details are show-stoppers

In pho­tog­ra­phy and film shoots, fil­i­gree work and semi-transparent objects such as eye­wear always are chal­leng­ing. When, as in this case, the prod­uct must be pre­sent­ed in front of a black back­ground, the pho­tog­ra­phers need tech­ni­cal know-how and imag­i­na­tion. Our video for uvex is tes­ti­mo­ny to our bravura.

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Video prroduction for Musikhaus Thomann’s PLEK machine
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Video production of uvex’ sportsline