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Safety meets style – product clip for uvex’ sportsline

Sportsline is the uvex safe­ty group’s mod­ern, styl­ish coun­ter­part to mere­ly func­tion­al and often chunky safe­ty footwear. Without reveal­ing their built-in func­tions, the shoes have the casu­al look of trendy sneak­ers. This and their supreme com­fort make them easy to wear out­side of work as well – casu­al, relaxed, and with­out the prop­er­ties of typ­i­cal safe­ty shoes.

Function, convenience, and athleticism – all in one

Our task was to stage the ben­e­fits of these prod­ucts in a cool yet infor­ma­tive man­ner. To do so, we sus­pend­ed a shoe in the air, turned it, and shot detailed close-ups of all its fea­tures and func­tions. In post-production we blend­ed the sequences into an infor­ma­tive clip which high­light­ed indi­vid­ual ele­ments for more empha­sis on the shoe’s unique qualities.

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Video production of the uvex pheos cx2
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Video production of adidas’ ClimaLab