Video of ClimaLab und ClimaCool by adidas

The ClimaLab and ClimaCool tech­nolo­gies devel­oped by sport­ing goods man­u­fac­tur­er adi­das encom­pass cutting-edge func­tions for sports footwear and appar­el. They have been designed to cool the most impor­tant parts of an athlete’s body dur­ing sweat-inducing train­ing ses­sions to pre­vent overheating.

Video production for three 4K maxi screens

Adidas asked us to illus­trate ClimaLab’s his­to­ry in sports footwear. The tar­get media were three 4K maxi screens cou­pled with each oth­er and installed at a prod­uct show in Moscow. Based on shots of sports shoes and their unique func­tions from the past four decades, we cre­at­ed a jour­ney through the his­to­ry of func­tion­al footwear. In the sub­text through­out the video we showed top per­for­mances achieved by ath­letes across dis­ci­plines wear­ing these shoes.

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