Kids photos for ads for the 2019 Toy Fair

The staff mem­bers of „Die Roten Reiter“ agency in Nuremberg say play is their life. Their work shows how well they have man­aged to pre­serve their inner child. For the 2019 Toy Fair in Nuremberg, Die Roten Reiter devel­oped an ad cam­paign that reflects this spir­it. The images of hap­pi­ness com­ple­ment­ing the cam­paign were deliv­ered by

Turning our studio into a ball pool

The idea behind the cam­paign was to show chil­dren play­ing and jump­ing around bois­ter­ous­ly in a pool of balls. Without fur­ther ado, we con­vert­ed a 5×6 m area of our stu­dio into a 1.5 m deep basin filled with 105,000 balls.
Once let loose, the chil­dren we had cast gave us the joy- and action-filled motifs we had hoped for.

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Portraits of children for a ballet school
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Kids photo shoot for Arbeitskreis richtiges Spielzeug