Portraits of children for a ballet school

We believe nat­u­ral­ness and spon­tane­ity are fun­da­men­tal to the tak­ing of good por­traits of chil­dren. Because we are ded­i­cat­ed and empa­thet­ic we moti­vate chil­dren to feel com­fort­able let­ting us pho­to­graph them at var­i­ous loca­tions. Because of this, the bal­let school in Schwabach, Germany approached our pho­tog­ra­ph­er Jeannette Brugger.

Photo documentary for editorial purposes

The pho­to shoot at the bal­let school was of an edi­to­r­i­al nature: While the chil­dren exer­cised and danced as on any oth­er day, Jeannette doc­u­ment­ed them pho­to­graph­i­cal­ly and at the same time cap­tured the atmos­phere of the environment.

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Genuine athlete portraits for numerous applications
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Kids photos for ads for the 2019 Toy Fair