Image and product photography for CEP sportswear

Sportswear with built-in com­pres­sion fea­tures is a rel­a­tive­ly recent devel­op­ment in func­tion­al fash­ion. The pio­neer of its devel­op­ment is medi, a Bayreuth, Germany based com­pa­ny with a long tra­di­tion. Medi estab­lished the trend for built-in com­pres­sion fea­tures when it found­ed the CEP brand ten years ago. More and more pro­fes­sion­al and ama­teur ath­letes rely on the safe­ty of CEP prod­ucts and fast regen­er­a­tion they facilitate.

Product photography for genuine top performance

We were tasked with devel­op­ing and shoot­ing authen­tic pos­es for the company’s diverse prod­ucts. We iden­ti­fied pos­es typ­i­cal to each sports dis­ci­pline to por­tray and clear­ly cat­e­go­rize the respec­tive prod­ucts. For exam­ple, we staged ski socks in a way that resem­bled down­hill ski­ing with­out adding styl­ized skis or any oth­er dec­o­ra­tive ele­ments. The main goal was to enable cus­tomers to iden­ti­fy each product’s appli­ca­tion on the spot at the PoS and in the web shop.

Sports model casting at an advanced level

In addi­tion to devel­op­ing imagery for the diverse dis­ci­plines, we con­duct­ed the entire cast­ing of mod­els for all sports. The mod­els had to be in very good shape, but their physiques were not to show their respec­tive dis­ci­plines clear­ly. We were hap­py to take up the challenge.

Teamwork for premium quality throughout the year

Projects for which new prod­ucts have to be pho­tographed in every sea­son for sev­er­al years pose a spe­cial chal­lenge: Hundreds of items – from best­sellers to recent­ly pho­tographed sea­son­al prod­ucts – have to har­mo­nize per­fect­ly when viewed in the web shop. To ensure this, we pay the utmost atten­tion to styling the images and mod­els to avoid dis­rup­tions between pic­tures tak­en on a morn­ing in May and pic­tures tak­en at a spon­ta­neous redo shoot in the depth of the night.

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Photography and post-production for adidas Silver
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Image photography and before-and-after shoots for hairtalk