Image photography and before-and-after shoots for hairtalk

Hairtalk is the inven­tor and glob­al mar­ket leader in the field of tape exten­sions for longer, thick­er hair. Made of human hair, the exten­sions are par­tic­u­lar­ly gen­tle on the exist­ing hair. Currently, hairtalk exten­sions are sold and used in more than 50 coun­tries world­wide. On its quest for a stu­dio able to por­tray its large vari­ety of prod­ucts and appli­ca­tions, hairtalk approached

Casting models in diverse age groups

Selecting the per­fect mod­els is essen­tial for the opti­mal pre­sen­ta­tion of beau­ty prod­ucts such as hair exten­sions and oth­er prod­ucts that make hair longer or thick­er. In line with the client’s spec­i­fi­ca­tions and requests, our cast­ing involved diverse age groups, from „clas­sic“ mod­els to best-agers.

Beauty photography and touch-ups for dreamlike hairstyles

At our stu­dio in Nuremberg we took clas­sic beau­ty pho­tos, made before-and-after shots, pro­duced a making-of doc­u­men­tary with the same mod­els, and staged the prod­uct palette and ben­e­fits. The results were strik­ing – even for us it was hard to believe how quick­ly a mun­dane hair­do could be trans­formed into a long, wavy dream­like style with a total­ly nat­ur­al look.

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Image and product photography for CEP sportswear
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Fashion photography for Tom Dixon by adidas