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Video of the Ecco Biom, the running shoe revolution

Developing and design­ing run­ning shoes is a sci­ence in itself. This is main­ly because of the com­plex struc­ture of the human foot which has 26 bones and more than twice that many mus­cles all mesh­ing with extreme pre­ci­sion. Footwear man­u­fac­tur­er Ecco has made a name for itself by tak­ing up the challenge.

Naturalness as a concept

The con­cept behind the new­ly devel­oped run­ning shoe mod­el Biom, referred to as Natural Running, is about sup­port­ing the nat­ur­al move­ments of the foot with a shoe while inter­ven­ing as lit­tle as pos­si­ble in the sta­bi­liza­tion of the foot.

Video and animation for more insight

Ecco’s assign­ment was for us to cap­ture the Biom’s spe­cial fea­tures in an explana­to­ry video aimed at all tar­get groups. We achieved excel­lent results using a com­bi­na­tion of mov­ing pic­tures, text fade-ins, and ani­ma­tions. The prod­uct video high­lights all the shoes’ ele­ments and their spe­cif­ic func­tions, thus draw­ing atten­tion to their unique qual­i­ties. It makes you want to put on a pair of Biom and start walking.

Previous project
Video production of adidas’ ClimaLab