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Video production for Zultan by Musikhaus Thomann

Zultan Cymbals has been rock­ing the cym­bals mar­ket for sev­er­al years now. The brand, which used to be an insid­er tip among drum­mers, has evolved into a fixed mem­ber of the Thomann fam­i­ly and thus is avail­able to a large inter­na­tion­al cus­tomer base.

Our task was to cap­ture the spe­cial fea­tures of the instru­ments in pho­tos and videos to be used for image boost­ing and in e-commerce and adver­tis­ing. That, of course, is best achieved while the instru­ments are being played.

Pure energy in video format: Live session at Live-Club in Bamberg, Germany

In addi­tion, over three intense pro­duc­tion days we worked with two pro­fes­sion­al musi­cians on stage at Live-Club, a Bamberg insti­tu­tion. The video mate­r­i­al we cre­at­ed at this venue makes Thomann’s cus­tomers ears quiver.

Starting in the ear­ly morn­ing and con­tin­u­ing deep into the night, with impres­sive pow­er and sta­mi­na drum­mers Lisa Wilhelm and Tomi Kolsi played diverse jazz, rock, hip hop, met­al, and clas­si­cal pieces on the drums and cym­bals pro­vid­ed. This shoot was music to our ears and stayed with us for days!

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SOG video at ISPO