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SOG video at ISPO

The Scandinavian Outdoor Group (SOG) is made up of more than 70 brands of out­door prod­ucts based in Scandinavia. SOG is built on these core prin­ci­ples: Manufacturing pre­mi­um out­door prod­ucts that exhib­it a spir­it of inno­va­tion, and the will to do good for peo­ple and nature.

Video trailer of the Scandinavian Village at ISPO

SOG reg­u­lar­ly hosts the Scandinavian Village at ISPO, the largest inter­na­tion­al sport­ing goods trade fair. We at were tasked with describ­ing the Scandinavian Village in a video trail­er, explain­ing why it is set up at the trade fair, and offer­ing gen­er­al insight into SOG. Using images and inter­views with ini­tia­tors, jour­nal­ists, and mem­bers of SOG we pro­duced a clip that trans­ports the spir­it of the Village. Kindness, a sense of com­mu­ni­ty, and the busi­ness advan­tages for its mem­bers and cus­tomers make the Village a gen­uine attrac­tion at ISPO – cer­tain­ly not only because of the allur­ing del­i­ca­cies served at the Scandinavian Bar.

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