
Furniture made by Dedon became famous all over the world when Germany’s pros Schweinsteiger & Co were seen slouch­ing on it in their hotel dur­ing the 2006 Football Championship. We used our 360° tech­nol­o­gy to show­case these premium-quality beau­ties – from small sunbeds to 5×5 m lounge sets – and thus pro­vide cus­tomers with high­ly detailed views that make it easy for them to envis­age these pieces in their homes.

Client: Dedon GmbH

Stevens Bikes

Bicycle man­u­fac­tur­er Stevens Bikes of Hamburg, Germany asked us for freely mov­ing, turn­able and zoomable 360° views of some of its bikes. In addi­tion to shoot­ing these pic­tures, we pho­tographed sev­er­al addi­tion­al detailed views of bicy­cle com­po­nents to illus­trate the func­tions and spe­cial fea­tures of the bikes in an opti­mal man­ner, mak­ing fur­ther expla­na­tions almost obsolete.

Client: Stevens Vertriebs GmbH

Playmobil – Geobra Brandstätter

Playmobil’s assign­ment was for us to set toys in motion. With 360° spins and ani­ma­tions we each set our inner child free and cre­at­ed prod­uct pho­tos that show every detail of the toys’ functions.

Client: Playmobil – geo­bra Brandstätter Stiftung

Interprofil Design

The fur­ni­ture dis­trib­uted by Interprofil Design is a har­mon­ic com­bi­na­tion of attrac­tive exte­ri­ors and intel­li­gent func­tions. Our goal was to por­tray this har­mo­ny in 360° views. Fully turn­able and zoomable and includ­ing ani­ma­tions of the indi­vid­ual func­tions, our pho­tos show online cus­tomers every­thing they could want to know about their future furniture.

Client: Interprofil Design


In accor­dance with Bruder’s com­pa­ny phi­los­o­phy, the brand’s high-quality toy vehi­cles are extreme­ly detailed. We were asked to por­tray these details in 360° spins com­ple­ment­ed with detailed views.

Client: Bruder Spielwaren GmbH

Rohde & Grahl

Chairs made by German fur­ni­ture man­u­fac­tur­er Rohde & Grahl score with their ergonom­ic qual­i­ties and unique designs. We shot ful­ly turn­able and zoomable 360° views of Rohde & Grahl’s office chairs to show­case their functions.

Client: Rohde & Grahl GmbH