
360° views of musi­cal instruments

Client: Miraphone eG

Musikhaus Thomann

Musikhaus Thomann is Europe’s largest online sup­pli­er of musi­cal instru­ments and acces­sories. To make it eas­i­er for online cus­tomers to under­stand all the details and func­tions of its prod­ucts – from tri­an­gles to mix­ers – Thomann relies on tech­ni­cal­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed 360° views which we cre­ate at Thomann’s premis­es using our drehmomente.de technology.

Client: Musikhaus Thomann GmbH

Ritter Bass Guitars

Bass gui­tars man­u­fac­tured by Jens Ritter are very spe­cial instru­ments: Each of these hand-crafted pieces is unique. We cap­tured their beau­ty and their indi­vid­ual char­ac­ter­is­tics in high­ly detailed 360° pictures.

Client: Ritter Instruments

Musikhaus Thomann

Musical instru­ments and equip­ment – from tri­an­gles to drum sets.

Client: Musikhaus Thomann GmbH

Nubert Electronic

Nubert Electronic has been build­ing high-quality sub­woofers, tweet­ers, and mid-range speak­ers for more than 40 years. We show­cased Nubert’s prod­ucts in infor­ma­tive, zoomable 360° views so cus­tomers have the whole pic­ture and at the same time can see the entire band­width of details.

Client: Nubert Electronic GmbH

D&M Europe B.V., Netherlands

The audiophile-grade pic­ture and sound play­ers offered by the Denon and Marantz brands enjoy an excel­lent rep­u­ta­tion among hifi experts. We por­trayed these upmar­ket prod­ucts in high­ly detailed 360° views to ensure cus­tomers would have as much back­ground and visu­al infor­ma­tion as possible.

Client: D&M Europe B.V., Netherlands


We pre­sent­ed the acoustic and loud­speak­er tech­nol­o­gy dis­trib­uted by Visaton, Germany-based loud­speak­er experts, in 360° views. With a min­i­mum of expla­na­tion in text form, Visaton’s cus­tomers have all the infor­ma­tion they need about the products.

Client: Visaton GmbH