Image photography for Zultan by Musikhaus Thomann

Zultan Cymbals, a Musikhaus Thomann brand, stands for pre­mi­um cym­bal sets man­u­fac­tured in accor­dance with high qual­i­ty stan­dards and at fair prices. Over the course of only a few years, these two fea­tures man­aged to turn an insid­er tip into a brand that today offers ten prod­uct lines encom­pass­ing more than 150 instruments.

Image photography that makes your eyes and ears dance

To demon­strate the high qual­i­ty of the instru­ments and have cus­tomers believe they can almost hear their sounds, our pho­tog­ra­phers fol­lowed the instru­ments from their pro­duc­tion to their use in a live ses­sion. Thomann has used the images for all its reputation-boosting activ­i­ties, in e-commerce, and on social media.

Still-life shoot in the studio

Thomann asked us to pro­duce clas­sic prod­uct pho­tographs for Zultan in addi­tion to the images cre­at­ed dur­ing the live pho­to ses­sion. We shot stills of the prod­uct lines and the indi­vid­ual instru­ments in our stu­dio in Nuremberg. A unique, spe­cial­ly installed room set­ting pro­vid­ed the per­fect con­text for shed­ding the right light on the looks, the designs and the high qual­i­ty of the prod­uct lines.

At the roots of Zultan Cymbals – photo documentary on the manufacturers

Documenting prod­uct man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es is one of the most inter­est­ing tasks in adver­tis­ing pho­tog­ra­phy. At the three Zultan sites in Istanbul, our team encoun­tered an unex­pect­ed envi­ron­ment and fas­ci­nat­ing process­es. The pic­tures we took offer allur­ing behind-the-scene obser­va­tions of the pro­duc­tion of Zultan’s brass cymbals.

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Event photography up close and personal
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Image photography for Musikhaus Thomann’s annual calendar