Image photography for Musikhaus Thomann’s annual calendar

Music is our Passion is the claim Musikhaus Thomann makes to the world year after year. The company’s tra­di­tion­al annu­al cal­en­dar con­veys this exact char­ac­ter­is­tic. In coop­er­a­tion with our net­work part­ner grafik­büro x we put var­i­ous ver­sions of this pas­sion in the limelight.

A new set every year

For each cal­en­dar we first devised an indi­vid­ual con­cept of how we want­ed to stage the instru­ments, music styles, and music scenes because every year is dif­fer­ent and new – as are the calendars.

Image and product photography in line with annual mottos

We shot the pho­tos in our stu­dio in Nuremberg. Depending on the spec­i­fi­ca­tions, we took image or prod­uct pho­tos or cre­at­ed spe­cial room set­tings in which to stage the instru­ments – an absolute chal­lenge con­sid­er­ing the large vari­ety of prod­ucts rang­ing from gui­tars to live tech­nol­o­gy and synthesizers.

Full service by

Based on the con­cepts we devised, our net­work part­ner for graph­ic design, grafik­büro x, devel­oped the design of the cal­en­dars and han­dled all pre-press prepa­ra­tions. Instead of trans­mit­ting image and design data to Musikhaus Thomann, every year we deliv­ered two pal­lets filled to the brim with bound, fresh-off-the-press cal­en­dars so Thomann’s cus­tomers can enjoy a new sound-turned-into-picture every month.

Previous project
Image photography for Zultan by Musikhaus Thomann