Children’s campaign for below-the-line marketing for


Today’s chil­dren are tomorrow’s brand-loyal cus­tomers. This is why wide-reaching children’s cam­paigns are essen­tial. For adi­das, these cam­paigns always have high pri­or­i­ty: They should be received as well as pos­si­ble by chil­dren and main­ly by their par­ents who ulti­mate­ly do the sports­wear and fash­ion shop­ping for their kids.

Worldwide casting for a diversified campaign

The main objec­tive of the cam­paign was to obtain pho­tos for below-the-line mar­ket­ing includ­ing PoS posters in stores around the world. For this rea­son, the cast­ing of child mod­els focused on diver­si­ty. In coop­er­a­tion with agen­cies in South Africa and oth­er parts of the world, we cast boys and girls with a vari­ety of eth­nic back­grounds aged between six months and nine years.

Kids photo shoot in Cape Town

The shoot took place in Cape Town, a city char­ac­ter­ized by extremes. Under the cre­ative direc­tion of adi­das’ senior design­er we pho­tographed the kids in the con­text of sports includ­ing ten­nis, bas­ket­ball and dance against var­i­ous back­grounds includ­ing a school gym, a ten­nis court, a play­ground, and the beach. The pic­tures were used in an assort­ment of media.

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Catalog shots for Baur and Wöhrl
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Campaign shoot for Apollo-Optik