Portrait photography for Immowelt

Immowelt AG of Nuremberg is known as an oper­a­tor of real-estate por­tals with a very wide reach. In addi­tion to this core busi­ness, Immowelt AG devel­ops and dis­trib­utes CRM soft­ware solu­tions for the real-estate indus­try in particular.

A reduced setting for modern people photography

In line with Immowelt AG’s brief­in­gs, our pho­tog­ra­ph­er Jeannette Burgger devised a clear set­ting in which to por­tray peo­ple in a straight­for­ward man­ner, bring­ing their entire emo­tion­al appeal to life. Immowelt AG used the por­traits of friend­ly faces on its new web­site and in mag­a­zines, brochures, and diverse press publications.

Next project
Business portrait shoots for DATA AHEAD