Image shoot for Musikhaus Thomann’s Brass Service

Musikhaus Thomann is more than a glob­al mail-order com­pa­ny sell­ing musi­cal instru­ments. The com­pa­ny also offers an exten­sive range of ser­vices for the prod­ucts it sells. For exam­ple, at its head­quar­ters locat­ed close to Bamberg Germany, high­ly qual­i­fied crafts­peo­ple and instru­ment mak­ers are employed at the in-house work­shop. This work­shop is the go-to loca­tion for musi­cians whose instru­ments are in need of main­te­nance or service.

Brass Service – the care center for wind instruments

The work­shop includes Brass Service where sea­soned mas­ter crafts­peo­ple attend to all wood and met­al wind instru­ments pro­fes­sion­al­ly and with a min­i­mum of red tape.

Craftsmanship by musicians for musicians

The image shoot for Brass Service was all about con­vey­ing trust and com­pe­tence through por­tray­als of high-quality crafts­man­ship. To this end, we showed work­shop employ­ees doing their man­u­al and men­tal work on a vari­ety of instru­ments in real-life work sit­u­a­tions. On Thomann’s web­site, in social media, and in print mate­ri­als these images illus­trate to cus­tomers how care­ful­ly and pro­fes­sion­al­ly their instru­ments are han­dled – one way to turn cus­tomers into gen­uine fans.

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