Image and product photography for ITEM m6

ITEM m6 is a brand pro­duced by medi, a long-established man­u­fac­tur­er of pre­mi­um body­wear prod­ucts. Medi’s high-tech shapewear and leg­wear is com­fort­able, pro­vides superla­tive sup­port, and enhances well­be­ing. Our task was to trans­late these fea­tures cre­ative­ly into aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing adver­tis­ing photos.

Brand-conforming translation of premium functional fashion styles

We imple­ment­ed a style con­cept for the brand’s image and prod­uct pho­tog­ra­phy in line with the val­ues the com­pa­ny defined as part of its brand relaunch in 2019.

We high­light­ed the unique func­tions of the prod­ucts dra­matur­gi­cal­ly and pho­to­graph­i­cal­ly through the use of spe­cial mod­el pos­es, for exam­ple, com­pres­sion panty­hose that pro­vide con­tour­ing effects for demon­stra­bly lean­er legs and shirts that facil­i­tate a more upright posture.

Intensive post-production for upmarket products

In addi­tion to all photography-related tasks, we were in charge of all post-production pro­cess­ing which was very elab­o­rate due to the nature of the prod­ucts. The trans­par­ent mate­ri­als, includ­ing nylon and mesh, and the com­plex pos­es chal­lenged our spe­cial­ists. The results are extreme­ly convincing.

Model casting and studio photography at

To enable us to show­case the spe­cial pos­es per­fect­ly, we need­ed to up our game when cast­ing mod­els. They had to be able to exe­cute dance pos­es so con­vinc­ing­ly that they looked nat­ur­al. The ensu­ing shoots took place at the stu­dio in Nuremberg.

Next project
Photography and post-production for adidas Silver